Welcome to 10,000 LakesPomeranians
Meet your breeder
I heard so many times from my customers “ you have the best job in the world , breeding puppies must me so much fun !”
Well , you don’t have it quite right, so I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself , the person behind the photos and videos.
My job and my passion is nursing . I am a full time registered hospice nurse . My husband , and 2 children live on a beautiful property in Northern Minnesota. Far away from busy city life . Being a nurse is not my only passion , I love to travel , play piano , take photos , study different languages… it’s basically an endless list . It would be easier to tell you what is NOT my passion to be honest !
My second huge passion are dogs, and especially Pomeranians . I am a hobby breeder , striving to produce the most beautiful and healthy puppies . This passion goes alongside with sacrifice, a lot of work , commitment, huge expenses , tears of happiness and sadness . All this hard work is paid off with happiness of my customers, when they meet their dream baby, and hold him in their arms for the first time. How did I start my Pomeranian adventure you ask ? Once, during a lunch break at work my coworker was scrolling posts on FB and she showed me a photo of the most adorable puppy ! I instantly fell in love with it ! I learned that this was a Pomeranian…. I was so taken by it , that I started reading and leaning about the breed , and finally I decided that I do have to have one ! But of course I didn’t know at that time that one is never enough, so I got myself one more , and one more and another… I connected with other Pomeranian owners , and I meet a wonderful show breeder , who introduced me to show and breeding world . And this is how it all started . I can’t imagine my life without a pom puppy ! Now you know me almost on the personal level , so if you want to talk to me more about my Pomeranian babies , send me a message without a hesitation !
About Our Program
10000 Lakes Pomeranians is located in Northern Minnesota, on our 125 acres of river front property. All of our puppies are family raised with lot of TLC in a loving family environment.​
It is our goal to raise Pomeranians of the highest quality, type and soundness according to American Kennel Club.​ Many of our puppies were sold as show prospects and finished their championship!
We strive for soundness in health and confirmation, breeding only selected individuals whose qualities will contribute to the betterment of the breed. All our dogs are AKC registered.
Our Poms are spoiled, happy and healthy, they share our home with us and live indoors with plenty of exercise and playtime. Please browse around our website and enjoy the Poms as we do.​
We do not have a large kennel but what we have is of quality and small. Visitors are always welcome with some advance notice​. We do not sell our Pomeranians to large kennels or puppy mills Full AKC registration is available to approved homes only.

copyright © 10000lakespomeranians.com 2012. All rights reserved.​